Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Summer Vacation

After a very relaxing week in the woods of Island Park, Idaho, my Grandpa Thompson told us about this beautiful waterfall just 14 miles out of our way on the way home. This was a great end to a great trip! Thanks, Grandpa!

Day 1

Setting up camp

We were the only ones with a wall tent there!

Elijah & Morgan

Emily & Jay (the only time I'm in pictures is when I take them of myself. . . how sad!)

The dock on the river

During our first night, a black bear came into our campground (specifically the Forscutt campground) looking for food. Jay heard it banging things around. I'm really glad I didn't hear it - just hearing about it the next day scared me so badly I dreaded middle of the night trips to the restroom!

Day 2

What's camping without a shower??

Jacob, Makayla, Grandma Thompson & Grandma Whiting are missing in this photo on top of "Golf Ball Peak" (the big round Doppler radar satellite)

River rafting - a BIG HELLO from my baby sister, Makayla, Dad, & Cindy

We got out of the river just in time for the rain to start. Then it hailed. . . . it was CRAZY! Our tent stayed completely dry and warm inside. Later we were able to use our stove to dry out Dave & Liz's blankets. Aunt Marlinda later said, "you and your tent. . . you're the ENVY!". :)

Tuesday was Carmen's birthday. She's four now!!!

Day 3

Local wildlife: Osprey

2nd Rafting trip - our four boys

Elijah and the rapids

Zach (nice tongue!) and Jake

My brave sisters and the snake! Good job Makayla & Lindsay!

Cute little garter snake

David & Liz competitively throwing rocks

Dinner/Theater night. . . . spendy but highly recommended! Our boys had so much fun!

Indoors at dinner

This poor frog was so afraid that it peed on Jacob seven times!

Day 4

The saddest thing happened on Thursday. . Dave and Liz went home. Jay and I both decided that the atmosphere of the camp changed when they left. You guys definitely have a good spirit about you - we could tell when you were gone! P.S.Thanks for the big blanket - it made all the difference!!

Dad really liked Jay's telescope. Anyone out there looking for a christmas gift idea for Dad. . . . here you go! (Marlinda looks in on the action)

Lindsay is a great Aunt!!! Here she is rowing my sweet baby David around on the river.

These two cute men in awesome hats are my Dad and his Dad. . . I just love this picture!

Here's a great picture of my man, the raft hauler doing his THANG. . . .

On Friday morning we woke up to another dangerous wildlife story from our host Bill and his wife. . . . it seems that first thing in the morning (around 6AM) a pack of wolves came in to our camp ground (this time not the Forscutt campground) and scattered a few horses. One broke out of its harness and the other broke its rope. . . the man found his horses four miles away. . . . so now we have bears and wolves to worry about. . . WHY did I go camping again? :)

Day 5

My brother, Cory, and our cousin, Spencer rented these Sea Doo's on our last full day at Island Park. They were kind enough to take us out. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit, but this was my first time on a Sea Doo. :) I really enjoyed myself and I didn't fall off!!

Cory took Jay out and later let him drive it. . . . that was fun. I wish I would have taken my camera out there, but you get pretty wet out there!

Card games are big at the Thompson camp out trips!

On Thursday, Grandpa Thompson helped save the meal we cooked by lighting my charcoal briquettes and giving me great tips about cooking with Dutch ovens (Jay had abandoned me to take the rafts down for the fourth time). . . the next night, he and Grandma Thompson and Aunt Marlinda (cutting the veggies all day long!!) made this incredible stew. It was so good I had to get a picture of it! Thanks for the yummy meal!

My brother, Cory. . . the future Missionary! He leaves us on September 24th (five days before our brother Logan gets home) to go teach the gospel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. . . We'll miss you so much, Cory!!

Day 6

Here are some other pictures we took on our visit to Mesa Falls on the ride home. . . .

Now we're home again and feeling a little out of sorts. . . we stopped by Chris Ryan's house (Zach and Jake's dad) to drop them off for the last three weeks of their summer vacation. . . . when we finally came home, we were exhausted!! It's so good to be home!

Hopefully the other brothers can come next year since Cory will be on his mission! We also missed you, Rena!!! We talked a lot about eveyone who wasn't there. . . . remembering things about them. . . . Marsha, I realized it's been four years since I've even seen your beautiful face! I told Marlinda that it's a good thing she comes so that I can at least remember what you look like! (my two favorite aunts are identical twins)

I'm so glad to have been invited to go with my Dad's family camping. . . . we really enjoyed ourselves and look forward to many years to come!


Jess said...

I love the picture of your four boys on the raft with their arms around each other. It looks like all of you had a fun and relaxing time. I'm so glad you got a chance to get away from work.

Unknown said...

You took a week off from work - good for you! It looks like you had so much fun. I envy you that your kids are old enough to enjoy camping and not make you go crazy. I vowed never to go camping again until my youngest is at least 5!! Your pictures are sure fun - I'm glad you had a good time with your family.

Liz said...

It was a blast! I loved it and look forward to doing it again! I liked the picture of David and I throwing rocks. Maybe I should consider counselling for my competitiveness. It's not like I could ever come close to throwing a rock further that David, duh. It was great to be with you this last week!

Katrina Witt said...

you have made my point why i no longer camp.. Bears, Wolves!!!! Yup I rest my case. But looks like you had a blast.

Cindy and John Thompson said...

Great pics! You take great pics! Can't wait to get a CD from you.
It was so fun camping with most of our family with us. We miss the ones who could not come. Your tent did rock! That would be the way to tent it for sure. We Love you all so much!
Glad you were able to see Mesa Falls too!

Shem said...

The pictures were so inviting, I had almost changed my opinion of camping... until I read about wolves and bears. Where was the Holiday Inn, again?

Natasha said...

Em! I'm so happy to see your (very active) blog! Looks like your vacation was a blast! Ok can I tell you how hard I laughed at the 'raising chickens and preparing for the last days' line??