Saturday, October 1, 2011

Priesthood Power!

All of my boys are at the priesthood session right now. This is the type of thing that I absolutely live for! These are the scenes that I tuck away in my heart and pull out in desperate times. I love all of my men so very much! I've gone from living with a single mom and one brother who had the priesthood to being the ONLY one in my home without it. I've come a long way, baby! My life is so blessed!

A good friend of mine recently reminded me that I need to recognize good "moments" as the teenage years are upon us. She is so right. THIS was such a good moment. I love my family!

Just can't get enough!

Here is a glimpse into the first October logging trip:

Hopefully we'll have enough firewood to get us through the winter!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finshed restoration

Remember that rusty old stove about three pictures below this one? Well here it is now. And the ad I posted with it.
"Vermont Castings Resolute wood/coal stove. Cleaned, sandblasted and professionally repainted wood stove. Beautiful. I took pictures of the stove with the coal kit installed (which you can buy alone from Vermont Castings or Ebay for 500.00 itself) and also with the coal kit out which shows how you can burn wood in it instead if you choose. Glass and gaskets will be installed Friday.
Would look incredible in any room of any house. $765.00 cash.
Text or message
Jay @435 660 3082"

Someone owes me five bucks.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wonderful Saturday morning up in the woods hunting some nice hard dead oak with two of the boys today. Since I am almost six feet tall myself, you can see that we got a nice stack of wood.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

R.I.P. Ray Charles the cat

Ray was a good cat. He didn't bug me as much as the other cats do. He was so soft and had the sweetest personality. My favorite things about Ray are:

* When I would call his name, he'd meow back like you were having a conversation... "Ray..." "Meow" "Ray... " "Meow". It was fun.

* OCD - this was the craziest cat I ever saw. He would wipe his paws in his water before he could drink it... and if he was interrupted, he would start over again wiping his paws in the water.

* His drop button. Zach found a spot on Ray's back that he would grab and Ray would immediately drop to the ground. Hours of fun, I tell ya!

* His lick button. Zach found another spot on Ray's back that when scratched would cause Ray to lick a lot. Also good for hours of fun.

We'll miss you RAY!!!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Here comes winter....

Here is a nice Vermont Castings Resolute wood/coal stove restoration project I've started. Before any of you get any funny posting ideas, this is the "before" picture. When it is done we will post some finished pictures.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Off to Nauvoo they go...

The huge church event to start off the summer. Hopefully they will have many great experiences in this trip. Have fun Zach.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


There has got to be a bong pipe hidden somewhere in this 1974 VW Transporter that Zach traded his Cabriolet for.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I wish I was born in 1920

Longest post in Blog spot history. And one everyone should read. But most wont because they are more concerned about what's on tv, or who is on their friends list.
Read it anyway, I dare you.

Why you need to be prepared spiritually, physically and financially. And why you need food storage. So hoard away. You have my permission.

#1 - Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis - At first it seemed like a fluke; but now it's a pattern. The weather is becoming increasingly extreme. Over 120 tornadoes recently struck the U.S. Midwest. Texas is on fire and suffering through an extreme drought. And where there aren't fires and droughts, there are floods. This is only the beginning... watch for more freak weather over the next 18 months.

#2 - The silence of the bees - Colony Collapse Disorder continues to accelerate across North America. We already know it's being caused in part by chemical pesticides (and possibly worsened by GMOs), but the chemical industry is engaged in a full-on cover-up to deny this truth while the pollinators of our world suffer a devastating population collapse. (

#3 - The failure of nuclear science - The Fukushima catastrophe proves one thing: Scientists are dangerously arrogant in their planning of large-scale projects, and they fail to account for the awesome power of Mother Nature. Nuclear science promised us clean, green energy -- but now it has delivered a silent, invisible poison that's infecting our planet.

#4 - The vicious pursuit of Wikileaks - In an age of such rampant deceit, there is no room for the truth. So those who tell the truth (Wikileaks) are viciously pursued as if they were criminals.

#5 - The rise of the medical police state - The armed SWAT raids on Maryanne Godboldo in Detroit are only the beginning ( The truth is that the medical system uses guns to force its vaccines and chemotherapy onto children and teens across America. The medical system has become so utterly useless, corrupt and dangerous that it must actually invoke guns in peoples' faces just to "convince" people to take its medicine. This is a gunpoint-enforced medical monopoly that exists as a threat to our health and our freedoms.

#6 - The increasing frequency of food shortages and crop failures - Notice the spike in food prices? That's just the beginning: Food prices will continue to skyrocket in the years ahead due to extreme weather, the loss of pollinators and the global contamination of crops by GMOs. Real food is becoming increasingly scarce in our world. You might want to think about starting a home garden...

#7 - The runaway destruction of the world by energy companies - The radioactive fallout from Fukushima isn't the only way in which energy companies are destroying our world: Don't forget about the Deepwater Horizon and the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico -- a spill that isn't over, by the way. They're still spraying Corexit in the Gulf one year later!

#8 - The continued GMO contamination of our planet - This may be the worst chapter in the coming collapse: The widespread genetic pollution of our planet through GMOs. This is a crime against nature and against humanity. It is a "gene spill" that may never be contained as it spreads its deadly DNA across the world's food crops, leading to crop failures and starvation ( The use of GMOs is the closest thing to "Satanic" that you'll find in modern agriculture. The agenda behind this is pure evil.

#9 - The tyranny and criminal crackdowns targeting real food (raw milk) - When you can't even sell honest farm food to your neighbors without being targeted and arrested by the cops, something is terribly wrong with the world. But this is happening today, all across America. Now the feds are even targeting the Amish! (

#10 - The escalation of the counterfeiting of the money supply - In a failed economic system approaching collapse, the moronic leaders can only think of "solutions" that actually accelerate their own downfall. The runaway counterfeiting of money by the Federal Reserve (with its "quantitative easing" and other counterfeit methods) is a classic sign that the end of our current system is fast approaching. The economic insanities are obvious to anyone who can still do math.

#11 - The plummeting intelligence of the masses - One of the most disturbing signs that we're already in the collapse is the great dumbing-down of the masses. The drooling, CNN-watching television zombies who dominate our landscape offer absolutely nothing of value to the world. They are the "mindless consumers" who get vaccinated, watch television and eat processed, pasteurized junk food. They're on psychiatric meds and believe everything the government tells them. Most of these people, of course, won't make it through the collapse. Which is why we lost the TV at our house.

#12 - The complete and utter fabrication of the mainstream news - Much of the mainstream news is now utterly and completely fabricated these days: The reporting on Obama's long-form birth certificate; the news about the war in Libya; the coverage of the economy and the U.S. debt... it's all so utterly false and unbelievable that an intelligent person watching the news can't help but explode with laughter. It is a sign of this collapse that the information sources relied upon by the masses are unable to report the truth anymore and must resort to weaving politically expedient fictions on everything from health care and medicine to the fate of the U.S. dollar itself.

#13 - The ongoing pharmaceutical pollution of our world - Beyond the GMO contamination and the radiation contamination of our world, we are also experiencing the mass pharmaceutical contamination of our planet. It's not just the pharma factories that dump their products into the rivers (; it's also the fact that well over half the population is now taking drugs almost daily, and those drugs pass right through their bodies and end up in the water supply where they contaminate the fish ( Even beyond that, the drugs end up in the human sewage sludge that's packaged and sold as "organic soil!" (

#14 - The radioactive contamination of the global food supply - Here's one that's really insidious: The global food supply is now contaminated with the radioactive fallout from Fukushima. We're told the levels are "low," but we're not told the truth of how radioactive cesium isotopes persist in the food supply for centuries. How is the human race going to survive its exposure to CT scans, radioactive food, chest X-rays, TSA body scanners and even the secret DHS mobile X-ray vans that can penetrate your body with X-rays as you're walking into a football stadium? The total radiation burden on the human race is now reaching a point of mass infertility. That may be the whole idea, actually.

It's accelerating, too

December, 2012 may be a useful date as some sort of mid-point in the crisis, or perhaps as a trigger date for some further acceleration of society's rapid unraveling. But make no mistake: We are already living in the collapse of our modern world. And you have a front-row seat! (Exciting, huh?)

Think about what's happening around you these days. These are the signs of the last, desperate clutches of a civilization built on utterly unsustainable practices that don't value life on our world. These are the End Times of the corporate oligarchy; the monopolistic for-profit corporation machine that destroyed everything in our world in exchange for a slightly higher quarterly earnings report.

In the quest for more money, humanity has sacrificed its food supply, its pollinators, it's oceans, forests and soils. Greed-driven humans have used other humans as medical experiments and cannon fodder. We have created wars to sell more bombs, and we've invented disease to sell psychiatric chemicals.

These are the practices of a failed civilization... and one whose days are numbered. Watching it all crumble is far more interesting than watching it continue its destructive ways, of course, because those of us paying attention realize a future civilization must rise up in the place of this one after the collapse.

Say goodbye to the false power of institutions

It would be nice if our future leaders remembered the importance of liberty and personal responsibility, of course. The answer to all the world's problems, it turns out, is freedom -- freedom in medicine, freedom in economics and freedom from government tyranny.

Because, let's face it: The root cause of most these problems that are bringing down our world right now is bad government. It is bad government (Big Government) that approved the GMOs. Bad government enforced the medical monopoly and allowed the pesticides to kill the honeybees. Bad government drove us into inescapable debt and costly foreign wars. Bad government outlawed health freedom and protected the monopolistic practices of the food companies, drug companies and chemical companies.

The downfall of modern human civilization is, as you probably guessed, also the downfall of the very idea that Big Government creates a better society. Because if there's one idea that needs to stay dead after the collapse, it's the idea that We the People somehow need another group of people (government workers) to live off our hard work while hounding us with their false authority, directing every little detail of our lives.

What we need in our world isn't more government, but more freedom. If we had freedom, integrity and personal responsibility, we wouldn't even be facing the global collapse that has already begun. But alas, the human race is an infant species and it must learn some lessons the hard way, it seems.

This lesson should be long remembered: If you let the corporations, the banks and the governments run your economies, your farms and your lives, they will enslave you and steal your future while you sleep; they will inject silent poisons into the very world around you until you awaken one day to find that all you created has been destroyed. They will promise you paradise but deliver only death. Beware of any entity that is not a living person -- no government, no institution, no corporation has a soul, nor a heart, nor a conscience. They are forces of organized destruction that decimate those things we hold dear while delivering to us things that will only enslave us or harm us.

Beware the corporation; the government; the non-profit institution working as a front group for private industry. Never allow yourself to be ruled over by any institution which exists only as a fictional construct organized from the projection of human greed.

And be ready for the acceleration of the collapse. Because if you are reading this, you are the future of the human race. You have a duty to stay alive, keep your genes intact, and be around to help create the Next Society after this one crumbles into history.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Not only can my wife run the mile in under six minutes, she’s an excellent massause and KNITS too...check out this cool blanket she just whipped out in like a day or two....she's just incredible.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What a Dad.

So I am a little behind on doing some of the traditional things that kids like to do on holidays. Here I am showing the boys how to paint an egg on Easter. That only took sixteen years. Later we will be getting chocolate bunnies and little fun things in a basket. Of course what this does very nicely is get everyones minds off the real meaning of Easter which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it was fun anyway.

What summer?

Summer better catch up fast. So far, I'm not very impressed. In protest, I will now post pictures of summers past. This may irritate my boys. Alas, I care not. No more rain, no more flippin' "praying for rain".....I want summer here. I'm sick of having to wear shoes.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am building a chicken coop that allows me to get eggs without actually going into the coop. It's about half done. It is made out of one-hundred year old barn wood on the outside of it. These chickens better appreciate my hard work.
We will be getting a dozen more Deleware chicks soon.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

And a mighty voice called out and said, " Thus I will make it snow on this day as to force all mankind inside to watch conference and eat food and edify themselves"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

John Deere

Nice little restoration project that Elijah and I worked on Saturday.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I decided to finally watch “Food Matters”. If you didn’t already know this, it is a documentary about how we eat, what we eat, and how doctors treat our conditions.

I have read the books “Back to Eden” and “World Without Cancer” more then once each so there was very little that I didn’t know in the documentary but I wanted my family to watch it also.

I will not get into the absolute fraud that cancer research is. Anyone with open eyes can research that online or anywhere else and find out the real reasons that there supposedly are no “cures for cancer” at this time. Needless to say, whenever I see a“let’s cure cancer” marathon or telethon or a new press release that says they are getting “closer to curing cancer”, I want to vomit all over myself.

The show went into detail about how so much of the foods that we eat are deficient in so many ways. I strongly suggest you watch it with your family.

Do yourself a favor and watch it with with anyone you love or care for.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just let me sleep.

See this innocent little noise machine? I hate it. We all make sacrifices when we get married. And my lovely wife Emily, likes “white noise” when she sleeps. I like it quiet at night so when I am sleeping and I hear a burglar trying to break in to steal my eggs or something, I can get up and shoot him. But with this thing, I hear nothing.

The other night we had the power go out and her lovely little machine went dead quiet and I had failed to get back up batteries. Ahhh ….silence. The wonderful nothingness of it all. But guess what? It seems that after all these years of nocturnal brainwashing that Emily has imposed upon me with her little sound machine, I now can’t sleep. David is coughing. The roof has a tiny leak behind the wood burning stove and I hear it drip. Elijah is snoring. Zach still talks in his sleep. Yikes. What a mess. Then the power comes on……and then off. Then on again, then off. Apparently the default “white noise” setting when the sound machine from you-know-where comes back on is “birds”. So when I was able to finally fall asleep I was startled awake again by birds screeching and chirping loudly. How on earth is that supposed to be a sound that lulls you to sleep? I kept waking up thinking I was sleeping in the aviary at the San Diego Zoo.

Emily doesn’t like the ocean setting because it occasionally has a whale sound. She doesn’t like whales or the odd noises they make. It freaks her out.

So now I am stuck. I’ll have to buy some batteries, I presume. Or go sleep in the tree house or something.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Men pull things.

The Warn 8274 is a very serious winch. Perhaps I will rebuild it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Summer tips.

Hello everyone. I am concerned that all humanity other then myself is not getting themselves excited for the summer months coming up like I am.

So, the nice guy that I am, have decided to give you a few tips, free of charge.

Tip one: Buy a convertible. Here is a good example of what kind to buy, but any convertible will do. Do not discuss this with your wife before purchasing your vehicle. She will be mad, but will get over it. Buy her a new mop or something. Maybe a pair of those rubber gloves they use when they clean the toilet.

Tip two: Put a nice stereo in it. It gets noisy when the wind is blowing through your hair down the road so I suggest a powerful stereo. Here are the two old school Rockford Fosgate 1000 watt monsters I have in the back of mine. If your rear view mirror doesn’t shake when you turn up gangster rap music, it’s not powerful enough. A nice glitzy stereo that plays videos and shows stuff on a little color lcd screen is cool too. Mine will even show pics of my hottie wife on it when I get around to figuring it out.

Tip three: Drive it around with the top down even if it’s still forty degrees outside. This will get you in the right “mindset” for when it really is warm outside. Do not drive it in front of your house if you have failed to inform your wife that you obediently responded to tip one. There is a chance she might see you enjoying life excessively more then she is as she is vacuuming the living room, testing out the new mop you bought her with her new rubber gloves on and forlornly looking out the window. Living in a large city like Los Angeles helps you hide better then if you live in a town with only one traffic light in the entire county like, say, Nephi, Utah.

Tip four: Buy some cool “Dirty Harry” dark prescription sunglasses that you can stare at people with and they can’t tell if you really are staring at them like some sort of perv or not. It helps keep the sun out of your eyes. And since you’ll be driving your new convertible around town picking up cleaning supplies for your wife back at the house, and the sun will be beating down on your face, you’ll need them.

Tip five: Don’t post anything you do on Facebook or any dumb blogsite where you might get caught. Chances are that the “she” might take a break from cleaning the bathroom or weeding the vegetable garden and get on the computer and see it.

And then undoubtedly try to blame it all on me.

You're welcome.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rebuilt head.

Now THAT is what a completely rebuilt head looks like after the amazing work that Scott does at Charlies Machine in Provo, Utah. I highly recommend him. Look at all the new valves, guides and machine work he did. Just wonderful. Now it will go in Emily's diesel rabbit and if I put it back on right, she will be back on the road this week. We will see.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Emilys ugly diesel rabbit that gets amazing gas mileage started pouring out smoke and missing badly. I figured it was a bad valve and I was right. We will fix that and get it back on the road.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ohhhhhhh ya.

New haircut. New Car. New License.
Life as we know it will never be the same!


Can't wait to see what's next.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Eat oranges

Winter is a drag. We eat oranges because not only is it good for you, it reminds us of summer. So just eat oranges because we told you too and don't argue with us.

So we have had the good old Dodge Caravan for a long time. A clean 1996 Caravan we bought for $1000.00 and it lasted a few years and 240,000 miles. We sold it so we could get some money for it before it died and would result in a trip to the salvage yard and $100.00.
As I sat in bed the other night, a thought came into my mind that shocked me. We have a number of cars. VW Rabbits. Convertable Rabbits. Diesel Rabbits. Pretty much a Rabbit farm in front of the house right now. But nothing big and roomy. My parents have me drive them to the doctors offices and hospital visits often. Almost every week. My parents are tall. Six feet or so. THEY WILL NOT FIT IN A RABBIT!! Panic ensued.

You know how your parents sacrifice for you when you are young, and then when you are an adult you make sacrifices for them? Well I had to put my loved Land Cruiser up for sale so I could get something to drive my parents around in. A sad day.You can see it covered in snow here in this dreadful winter we are having.

But guess what? I had an offer to trade my FJ40 land Cruiser for an FJ60 Land Cruiser! I can fit my parents in that rig easy. AND STILL HAVE A LAND CRUISER!! Boy is it ugly. And it's an ugly gold color like my wifes' ugly Rabbit is too. Serves me right.But so what. The 4WD all works perfectly and is way more quiet down the highway than my FJ40 ever was. Way more room for snowboards and stuff in the back too.

I'm doing very poorly on my car dealing commitment.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So in my quest to be free from the addiction of always feeling the need to purchase cars for whatever reason, a new challenge has been thrown into the mix. My family.

Let it be known that since I committed to refrain from “ever buying a car for myself to restore”, I have kept my promise and still have only my 1977 Land Cruiser and 1979 Mercedes as my personal projects. I have had good offers on both and am very proud of myself in the fact that I have turned all of them down.

But guess what? My oldest boy, Zach has informed me that “in less then a month I will have my license” and intends to drive whenever or wherever without any reason or logic and that he insisted that I “help him find a car”. His money of course, not mine. And since I am helping HIM buy a car and not buying it FOR MYSELF, I have not broken any aforementioned commitments.

So off I went hunting down a car that would be fun, cheap and easy to maintain. And here it is…..

Just kidding. But that is what it will look like when it’s done being restored. In actuality, the end result was this three hundred dollar find in Monroe, Utah. A silver 1988 VW Cabriolet. This will be fun project for him. Here it really is.

It needs a new top and some other odds and ends but it should work out fine.

And then my dear wife, Emily, finally wore down the Ford Festiva she has been driving every day to work. She had put over 200,000 miles on it. The transmission blew up and so it has been retired.

What to do, I wondered, (for a few seconds at least). Since Emily is my sugar momma, the river of which all money flows, finding a car for her to get to work, was now my new top priority. No lazing around the house for Emily like her husband gets to do.

Off I went to look for a car that she could purchase with HER money for HER to own.

The only conditions is that it had to get better then the 42 miles per gallon that the Festiva was able to get and that it was safe and not too ugly. Not a very easy task. Having it be ugly is important because Emily does not like us boys using her car as we trash it up with candy wrappers, spilled drinks and the like. So it was going to be difficult to find such a vehicle. But I was up to the challenge.

Here is Emily’s new ride. A 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit diesel. Look at all those 48 horsepower busting to get Emily down the road to work. This one here is getting about 55 miles per gallon. I do things to diesels and I may be able to get it to about 58 miles per gallon. Recently rebuilt engine that hasn’t even been broken in yet. This should be good for about 300,000 miles before a rebuild.

Not too ugly though. Unless you compare it to Zachs cabby or my “parts car”. Then it definitely ranks right up there on the ugly meter.

It just so happens that I was able to work a parts car into the deal also. I have decided to keep that for myself. It has a really bad transmission. I also think it has a hung valve so it needs real work. Since this is my car, it enters into a “grey area” when it comes to my commitment. Here it is. A black 1989 VW Cabriolet.

The house is starting to look like “Jays German auto” since this now gives us five German cars on our property. Three VW’s and two Mercedes.