Thursday, December 3, 2009


Life’s not fair. I swing a killer deal to unload my beloved Porsche 914 projects to get a Mercedes for my wife to drive and now I never see it. Don’t I need a German car to drive too? I say yes. I got to thinking, you know, it’s been like three weeks since we found another car to purchase and I found a car for house husband Jay.

It’s a 1989 BMW 325i. Red. Two doors. Five speed. Big six-cylinder engine. Bought it from a lovely BYU couple in Provo. “It just stopped running”. $450.00.

Vroom vrooooooom!!

So I need to get this going soon as I am getting a mental condition from driving the Dodge Caravan all around all the time. I've got it up on blocks so I can inspect and change the brakes right now. So it's running rough right now but give me a week or two.

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